24in48 is here!
The time is nearly upon us! The time for the 24in48 readathon challenge, that is! This week has been rather crazy (hell, this MONTH has been rather crazy) so I haven't had time to do the appropriate planning, or gathering my excitement, or any of that. Instead, the beautiful Elley is going to show up at my house tonight, and we're going to do ALL the cooking. We've got our time scheduled out for reading, sleeping, going to do water aerobics at the Y (you bet your ass I bought a cute new bathing suit for the occasion), and eating all those delicious meals she's gonna teach me how to cook. I have a few books picked out for this weekend. No idea if I'll be able to finish them all, or if I'll, like last time, veer off into a totally different direction and steal Elley's books. The contenders are: I know, one measly romance on there. In truth, I will probably read more romances than an...