WhaleSnark Recommends....Music in French

Do you enjoy music? Right, yeah, that's a broad question...hmmm... Do you like French electro and pretty music?!?!
Yeah? Okay! Have some recommendations from me, a well-versed-in-French-music whale shark.

First, oh my goodness, Stromae, my absolute favourite French-speaking artist ever (besides Daft Punk, let's be real).
Stromae is Belgian. He's an androgynous genius. He writes music that is just OH GOOD GOODNESS. So good.
He's only released one song in the last five years, BUT in 2013 he released 'Racine Carrée', which is a highly enjoyable album. His other older album 'Cheese' is also super cool!
I am a huge fan of synth and smooth voice, which Stromae has. He's pretty great.

Image result for racine carrée  Image result for Stromae   Image result for Stromae

OK, I listen to a lot of French music. I love the language. It has hidden syllables everywhere. You never know how they spell things and even when you do, you just kind of go, "welp, I bet that's a silent vowel", and you would be very correct most of the time. It likes its extra letters, but you never get to hear them. It's a language that is not for wimps. I really don't think French gets credit for being awesome. People think it's fancy and aristocratic, but I find it very relatable and full of double-meanings that are just, like, so cool. We use a lot of French words in English too, so it's just a really fun time for everybody. Thank you French for being a tough nut to crack, but a phemoninal learning experience! I guess I should be thanking Latin for springing forth and becoming several other languages, but annnnnnnywaaaaaay, here's another AMAZING ARTIST.

Here's my favourite song from 'Racine Carrée'


Aw Indila. Guuuuuuurrrrrrrlllll. She has the voice of an angel.

Image result for INdila Image result for INdila

Check of her song Dernière Danse. It's a lovely song. If you hate it, at least you tried. 

Last but not least, MIKA.

The ultimate force of babe. 
Image result for mika 

The prince of uhhhhhh....the good stuff...?

Image result for mika

 I mean, MIKA is just MIKA and that is really cool.

He sings in both English and French, so he's versitile that way. He also plays the piano and is pretty all around the best. I saw him live once. It was THE BEST CONCERT. 
He writes pop music, as well as heart-felt pleas to friends and lovers. There is a MIKA song to match every mood. He's a master of his art. 
Here is one of my true favourites from him (it's really hard to choose). That one is in English. Here's my fave of his in French.

Ok, that's it for now! I hope you discover, or re-discover some music through my recommends! 
Next time I want to give you some Italian-speaking artists. 

There is a whole world of music out there! An Ocean of Music! I hope you dive deep!



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