Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

WELCOME to the Bookquarium!

This is the home of three bookish sea-babes (and we're pleased to make your acquaintance).

WhaleSnark the Whale Shark

Oh hi! I'm WhaleSnark, but you can call me Snarky! I love reading children's picture books, middle grade fiction, graphic novels, and non-fiction, especially about ocean life! I love learning about the natural world, and have a wild fascination with all creatures of this planet. I am a librarian who is also an avid gamer, so when I'm not reading, I am playing on various platforms. I also love to draw, sing, and go on adventures outside! I am a proud Slytherin. Autumn is my favorite season. I enjoy donuts are great deal. It's gonna be a great time here at the Bookquarium! I hope you enjoy my reviews!

Peekaboo the Octopus

Hey! Peekaboo here! I'm a librarian by day, cat mom by night. I'm a Hufflepuff,  a sci fi enthusiast, addicted to romances, I'm a terrible cook (but I'm learning!), and kind of a sasspants. I have one cat named Kanye (no relation), a deep and abiding love for all of things Jane Austen (except her writing style), a to be read list that is well over 2,000, and not enough hours in the day. I love romance novels, non fiction about science stuff, natural disasters, and have a zombie plan ready to go, and the apocalypse book pile to match.  I think both men and women are cute, I wish I could marry Tom Hiddleston, I'm plus size as hell, and I tend to swear in my reviews, so hold onto your butts. (That was a Jurassic Park reference. Did I mention I love dinosaurs?)
 But mostly hi! It's lovely to meet you. Let's be friends!

Elley the Otter

Heyla! I'm Elley. I'm a 30-something year old girl/woman/Hufflepuff who loves reading, crafting, cooking, and trying new things! I've got two sweet little boys (James, age 3; and Link, age 1), a husband who sometimes acts like a little boy, and a floofy doggo (named Remy). (James, Link, and Remy are all named after fandoms - bonus points if you can guess which ones!) I read mostly romance (regency and contemporary, though lately I've really been branching out), YA fantasy, epic fantasy, sci-fi, some urban fantasy, the occasional non-fic about octopuses (they're an obsession - best not to ask) and sort of whatever I happen to put my hands on that looks interesting. I love reading (duh), cooking, Korean food, singing, knitting, Disney, and a whole plethora of other things. I hate cilantro, yellow mustard, and when people use the word "literally" incorrectly. :) My main blog is Elley the Book Otter, but I'm excited to blog with Peekaboo and WhaleSnark here at the Bookquarium as well! <3


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