Bookish Naughty or Nice!

The wonderful Elley over at @ Elleyotter tagged me in this, and I am always looking for another reason to fill this blog up with wonderful booky goodness, so let's go! 

We can thank Jenniely for this Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag - thanks Janniely!

Tag & link the person who tagged you
Tag and link Jenniely's Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag
Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
Tag another 10 people!

If you’ve not been tagged, go ahead and do it anyway! 

✔ Received an ARC and not reviewed it
Uh.... *adjusts collar* I may or may not have 10+ arcs past due right now. I'm getting there! I promise! I just need like 15 more hours in the day. 

Image result for guilty gif disney
 Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
Have I ever been ABOVE 60%? No I have not.

_ Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)

Surprisingly, I haven't done this. Mostly because I'm new to blogging, so I haven't had a chance yet. Let's reevaluate next year. 

Folded down the page of a book
Are we talking dog-earring here? Because, uh... yes. To both library books and personal books. Not often, but sometimes a bish just gotta fold a page. 

✔ Accidentally spilled on a book
Has anyone NOT accidentally spilled on a book, if they are an avid reader? I've never intentionally been like "wheee!! Books? Who gives a flop!" but sure, I've spilled on books.

✔ DNF a book this year
Of course! There are at least a million books published every year, and I probably won't live forever. My time is valuable. DNF-ing is not a bad thing. Fight me. 

_Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
Actually, no. I've been GIFTED books for this purpose, but have never bought one myself. I do, however, have bought books with the intention of reading them, and then they sit on my bookshelf for a decade. 

Image result for pretty book gif

✔ Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
Or literally anything else. Reading > breathing. 

_ Skim read a book
Naw, I can't skim read. Either I read it, or I give it up. Sometimes I'll look at the back to see the ending if I don't want to finish it but are curious to see whodunitt. Sometimes I skim sex scenes. Does that count? 

_ Completely missed your Goodreads goal
Nope! I've always made it! Have I adjusted it sometimes to something more reasonable? Yessss. 

_Borrowed a book and not returned it to the library
I work at a library, and get most of my books from the library, so no, but I DID once steal two books from the library so that I could own the covers I wanted since they were no longer in publication. It's important to have matching covers, you guys. 

_ Broke a book buying ban
I don't set bans for myself, but I also don't really buy that many books, I mostly check out from the library. But even if I didn't, why limit the best thing?

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
Not for a review no, but I've DEFINITELY just done this for books. Picked them up years later and gone "hmm... this sounds familiar." 

Wrote in a book you were reading
Yup yup yup! Textbooks, occasionally normal books, especially those Gideons bibles in hotel rooms. It's so satisfying! 

_ Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
It feels like it doesn't count if I don't add it to my GoodReads account. 

How am I supposed to remember if I read it or not? 

✔ Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend
I mean, I'll return it once I've read it... Which just might take me a few years...

(This was Elley's answer but I'm stealing it because it's so perfect.) (Also a lot of the books are hers that I have.) 
Image result for sit on book gif

_ Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book
Basically no one asks me to borrow books, and I'm okay with it. If they did, I would let them. None of mine are vary valuable. 

Broke the spine of someone else’s book
In my opinion, a broken spine is a sign of love. 

_ Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged
Ugh, I dislike book jackets. I try not to buy hardcovers. 

✔ Sat on a book accidentally
Of course I have. Who hasn't? 

Total: 11/20
Sort of naughty? Skating that fine line between good and bad? Chaotic neutral? 

Let me know what you are!
Tagging WhaleSnark and Cat! 


  1. This is so fun! I am so bad at doing the thing where I forget what the book was about by the time I have to review it- I actually had to MAKE myself not read books in advance because I absolutely will forget what happened hah. Can you believe that I didn't DNF ANY books this year? I feel like that was a mistake hahaha. Thanks for sharing these, it was fun to read!

  2. LMAO, of *course* you haven't skimmed a book. You already read so fast, I can't even imagine how fast you'd have to go to be skimming...


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