New Years goals, bookish and otherwise.

I am an extremely unmotivated person. I can be when I want to be, but honestly, I'd much rather be in bed with my cat and a book over almost anything else, so when it comes to stuff like working out, bettering myself, doing all those things people are "supposed" to do over New Years, I have failed every year.
(Actually, all the way through junior high and high school, my NYE resolution was "get a boyfriend", and that never worked either.)

This year, a very wise person (coughELLEYcough) said resolutions are crap because no one ever makes it more than a few weeks anyway, and then you just end up feeling bad about yourself because you failed.
Instead, I will be making goals. Things that I hope to achieve over 2019, but won't necessarily beat myself up if I don't get to. Or thing I'd like to improve, but don't plan to dive obsessively into them full force (and then burn out in two weeks) because I know myself, and that's not how I roll.
Image result for new years eve gif

I present to you, dear readers, my New Years goals:

1.    Attend more social things while keeping in mind RELAXATION.
I am going to KissCon this year (you can read more about it here on Elley's blog) which I am SO EXCITED ABOUT, and I also go to CONvergence, which is a science fiction/fantasy convention in the Twin Cities in July. CONvergence is one I've gone to every year, but I skipped last year because it's become almost a stressful chore as opposed to a weekend where I can relax and have fun with friends. To counterbalance this, I am going to take both KissCon and CONvergence with a grain of relaxation salt. Do the things that make me happy, and if I start to feel stressed, go relax in the hotel room with a glass of Diet Coke and fuzzy slippers.

2. Go to the gym. But do it for friends and audiobooks!
I suck at working out. I'm fat. I know this about myself. I also tend to isolate, which is not great, so I have decided to join the local YMCA, not to get buff (because psssht), but because a) I have a lot of friends who go there who I can hang out with, and b) walking around a track is an excellent excuse to listen to audiobooks! (And play Pokemon Go! And yes, okay, get my steps in.)

3. Don't stress out so much about books.
I wrote earlier this year over on Elley's blog about how being a hardcore book nerd can actually be pretty stressful sometimes, with ARC duedates, an endless TBR, and new books being constantly published, and none of that is likely to change with the shifting calendar year, so it's my mental outlook that's gonna have to change. This will mean try not to stress when my ARCs go past their to be read by date. Don't worry if I add 200 more books to my TBR in a month. Don't panic that I have 50 books checked out for the library, but a full time job and only 24 hours in a day so I obviously can't read them all. Enjoy reading! Harken back to why I started this blog in the first place, to celebrate my love of reading. Which leads me to...

4. Write in this blog more!
I've signed up for several challenges to do over the course of the year, some of which are reading challenges, but some are blogging challenges, and I'm hoping this will spark my creativity, and give me the outlet my brain so desperately needs to be creative. Plus maybe I'll grow my following? It doesn't really matter, except to stroke my ego. (Which I'll admit is also nice.)

So that's it! Oh, and to cook more. Please give me your favorite cookbook ideas, y'all. I need them. drop them below, and tell me more about your goals for 2019!

Love and light,


  1. I am so on board with #3, friend. I don't think I even touched a sci-fi or fantasy book in 2018 because I was so hard core into meeting so many numbers goals, so I'm setting my Goodreads goal way low for 2019 (well, low for me, haha) and focusing on actually enjoying some of the big ol' fatties on my shelves. And some re-reads maybe! *rolls around in books*

    Also, YES, you definitely need to approach conventions in a way that makes them most enjoyable for YOU. Last year at CONvergence, I legit just hung out on the stoop in front of the Rocky Horror room party with Maxx for 80%+ of my time at the CON. I don't think I went to a single panel... LOL, but I still had a blast hanging out and people watching and chatting with people, because I'd rather do that then sit in the panels and have people mansplain and gatekeep me. (Which happens at a LOT at CON, but I have SUCH HIGH HOPES for KissCon!!) The most important thing is knowing when and how you need to retreat and regroup so you have the best experience for *you.* And if anyone has a problem with that, send 'em my way and I'll show them what for. ;)

  2. These are AWESOME goals! Because seriously, stressing less is 100% the way to go. That was my goal a few years ago and it honestly changed my life when I was finally able to you know, accomplish it (it took quite some time though, I won't lie!) And now things are much more... peaceful. And yeah, of course I still freak out about books *sometimes* because hi, we're human, but yeah. It's wayyy better being more chill about it all. Also, one of my goals has to be to start swimming again, so I feel you there. Like no I am never going to be able to do what I did in HS and college and such, but I have to learn that it is NOT all-or-nothing. And you doing it to be social and such is a FABULOUS reason! And I hope you have an AMAZING time at the conventions!


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