Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life

  Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week they have a different theme for bloggers to post their top tens about, and this week, I've got...

Changes In My Reading Life

1. I DNF stuff. I used to feel guilty about DNFing books, but then my TBR crept over 2,000 and hasn't quit, so now if I can't get into a book, out it goes.

2. I read more contemporary romance now. I used to be all historicals all the time, but ever since I've been reading buddies with Elley, I've been branching out into contemporaries, and it's rather awesome. 

3. So many more audiobooks! I didn't really discover the joy of audiobooks until after college. The first one I tried was The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty (phenomenal narrator!) and since I drive a lot for work, and to visit friends in the cities, I am rarely without an audiobook on my phone or on CD. 

4. Readathon parties! I've written about these before. Grab your favorite readers, get a bunch of yummy food, and sequester yourself in a quiet space for the weekend. The truest friendship is the kind where you can companionably ignore each other in favor of all reading together. 

5. I experience book FOMO. I think it's because I work in a library, and am surrounded by books all day, and inundated with publisher emails, but oh my god, it's almost TOO much bookness around me. (I never thought I'd say that either.)

6. I own less books now. Also because I work in a library and mostly get them from there. Also because I moved 5 times in 3 years and got damned sick of hauling books everywhere. Now I mostly keep my Meg Cabot collection, witchy reference materials, and autographed copies.

7. ... but I still horde books. Specifically library books. I am a pretty fast reader, but I also work full time and am expected to do normal adult things like function (psssht), and so I don't have a ton of time to read. I still have between 20-50 books checked out from the library at all times, and finally caved and bought another bookshelf just to keep library books in because they were getting unruly. 

8. I no longer feel compelled to read EVERY BOOK by an author I love. If it has themes I don't like, or find boring, I give myself permission to skip it.

9. I used to think physical books were do or die. Now I am a big fan of e-books! I still love physical books, of course, but they're harder to read in bed, which is my primary reading haunt.

10. I started a book blog! Now I just need to work on posting more frequently! 

What about you guys? How has your reading life changed over the years?


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