Winter reads!

Y'all, most of you know I live in Minnesota, land of ice and snow for seven months out of the year. Which means winter is a way of life. A cold, gross, dirty, dangerous way of life. To get myself through the frozen hellscape, I rely heavily on books! Portable magic that means I never have to leave my warm apartment. Up next in my queue is...

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy - Julia Quinn 

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #4)One of my long-term goals is to read everything JQ has ever written (because she is a goddess!) and so when this audiobook came on as available on Libby, I snapped it up. It's book 4 in the Smith-Smythe quartet. Bridgerton fans will recognize these characters from the disastrous musicales that are brought up in every book. 
Also girl, jewelry on the outside of your glove? So fancy. Get you some.

Crisis in the Red Zone - Richard Preston

44526650. sy475 Yesssss! Our Lord of Perpetual Ebola Writings has returned with his updated take on the world's Ebola crisis!  (Is it weird of me to get so excited about diseases?) You may recognize Preston for his best seller The Hot Zone (now a tv mini-series on National Geographic.) That book that made millions of people everywhere hate themselves for taking public transport and then wash their hands five times a day to avoid getting sick. That one. 
Crisis in the Red Zone takes us beyond The Hot Zone's original publication of 1994 and deals with the very real and very terrifying Ebola crisis that is still currently happening on our planet. Get in my brain, horrible descriptions of humans riddled by a devastating disease. I am ready for you.

The White Plague - Frank Herbert

The White PlagueThat Frank Herbert, you might ask? Of Dune fame? Yes. I also didn't realize he wrote other books, but apparently he did, and they're rather fantastic. I am about half way through this chilling tale of a geneticist, driven mad by the deaths of his wife and kids by an IRA car bomb, who creates a virus that kills women. (Yeah, it's as gruesome as it sounds.) But then - plot twist - we continue to follow him as he goes back to Ireland, and all the people he meets along the way. That was a terrible description but you know what, just read it. It's great. I think I liked it better than Dune. Plus bonus points for a) an apocalypse, and b) an apocalypse that I haven't read about yet.  

Bound for Glory - Tess LeSue

Bound for Glory (Frontiers of the Heart, #4)This is the fourth book in her Frontiers of the Heart series that Elley shoved into my hands and effectively said "read this, bitch!!" (but in a nice way, because it's Elley.) This is the one I've been waiting for since the beginning!  The story of the Native American mysterious "fourth" brother (not by blood I don't think?) who rode along the fringes of the first three books, being sexy and sassy. And the woman he is going to fall in love with? The plucky reporter who has been tracking him across the country, making his name a legend. Guh! Can! Not! Wait! LeSue is a newer author, I believe these four are her first four published books, but damn, I will readily read everything she writes because she's excellent. Gimme gimme.

What are you all reading this blustery winter? (Or if it's not blustery where you are, can I come stay?)

Love ya,
Lady P.


  1. I think we need a Bound for Glory buddy-read / readathon this weekend... Whaddaya say?


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